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Home TPT Notes, Questions, and Correction Python Project/Replit Create Task Plan

TPT Notes and Questions

Test Corrections:

Finals Test 1:

Q9: Correction: The company will be less likely to be able to provide a human representative for every call rather than customers mistakenly dialing the wrong department.

Q21: The World Wide Web is a network, not a data stream.

Q23: Cookies contain much more personal information than the IP address, which is necessary for routing Internet traffic.

Q29: Wrong - the program does not even correctly display the sum of the indices of the list [0,1,4,5].

Q31: Computing innovations cannot be based on technologies that haven’t been released yet.

Q36: The database does not contain gender. Instead, you can sort to see which items are not in stock.

Finals Test 2:

Q41: Individual prices cannot be determined from the aggregated data entries.

Q46: Being able to easily check that an encyclopedia is free of copyright infringement is not a major benefit, but having more perspectives reflected is.

Q47: Participants who read more were more likely, not less likely.

Q48: A minimum of 2 connections would need to be broken for Machine A to be completely cut off.

Finals Test 3:

Q23: Crowdsourcing would be most effective for gathering data on the app’s users in this situation.

Q31: The binary number 01001 corresponds to 17, not 9.

Q35: The IP address does not create as great a privacy risk for the user as their cookies being leaked.

Q40: The work would be published under a Creative Commons License.

Week Two

5.6 Safe Computing

Week One

5.3 Computing Bias

5.4 Crowdsourcing